GARP seriously reviews every Exam Incident Report filed on exam/day。
The following are a few of the incidents that have resulted in a candidate’s Exam not being graded:
Arriving after the doors have closed(门关闭后到达)
Arriving with invalid identification(以无效身份到达)
Bringing in and using a non-GARP-issued writing instrument or highlighter during the Exam
Bringing in and using an eraser,white-out,correction fluid/tape,highlighters,or rulers
Cellular device ringing in the exam room(蜂窝设备在考场里响起)
Bringing in wearable technology devices such as Google glasses,watches,smart-watches,fit-bits,or portable clocks
Bringing in and using an unauthorized calculator(引入和使用未经授权的计算器)
Opening an exam booklet before instructed to do so(在指示之前打开考试卷)
Writing before instructed to do so(提前答卷)
Using unauthorized materials(such as paper or crib notes)(使用未经授权的材料(例如纸张或便笺))
Looking at another candidate’s answer sheet or Exam booklet(看另一个考生的答题纸或考试手册)
Speaking with another candidate during the timed portion of the Exam(在考试的时间段内与另一位考生讲话)
Exiting and re-entering the building during the timed portion of the Exam(在考试的定时部分退出并重新进入大楼)
Exiting the room during last 30 minutes of exam(在较后30分钟的考试中退出考试)
Removing exam materials from the room(从考场里删除考试材料)
Continuing to write after“STOP WRITING”has been announced(在已经宣布“停止写作”之后继续写作)
Displaying disruptive behavior(有破坏性行为)