Meet the education requirement in one of the following ways(以下列方式之一满足报考要求):
1.Undergraduate education(教育情况):A bachelor's(or equivalent)degree or be in the final year of your bachelor's degree program.You will have to complete your bachelor's degree program in order to register for the Level II exam。
2.Work experience(工作经验要求):Four years of professional work experience(does not have to be investment related),or
A combination of professional work experience and education that totals at least four years.Part-time positions do not qualify,and the four-year total must be accrued prior to enrollment.
通常刷外币都会有一些时间差(约2-5天,各家银行不定),因为中间还有visa or mastcard,之后才会向你的银行请款,所以有时候信用卡不会那么快看到扣款数据。
报名成功的话,CFA协会会发邮件说now your registration for CFA is complete!
登录“CFA INSTITUTE官方网站”,输入注册报名时“用户名”,“密码”,点击“Account Home”-“CFA Program”-“CFA Program Level I Registration”查看报名结果信息;点击“Order History”查看交费成功记录。在打印的准考证上有详细的考点地址信息。