其次,考纲内容上,除了财务报表分析(Financial Reporting Analysis)、权益投资(Equity Investments)、其他类投资(Alternative Investments)、固定收益投资(Fixed Income Investments)四门科目考纲要求无变化,其余科目的考纲都有不同程度的内容调整。单科科目的考纲要求变化情况具体如下:
一、伦理与职业标准(Ethical and Professional Standards)
√Reading 4 Trade Allocation:Fair Dealing and Disclosure
√Reading 5 Changing Investment Objectives
二、数量方法(Quantitative Methods)
★Reading 4 Introduction to Linear Regression,删除关于相关分析的考纲要求:
√a.calculate and interpret a sample covariance and a sample correlation coefficient and interpret a scatter plot;
√b.describe limitations to correlation analysis;
√c.formulate a test of the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient equals zero and determine whether the hypothesis is rejected at a given level of significance;
★Reading 5 Multiple Regression,删除关于机器学习的三条原考纲要求:
√p.distinguish between supervised and unsupervised machine learning;
√q.describe machine learning algorithms used in prediction,classification,clustering,and dimension reduction;
√r.describe the steps in model training;
★新增Reading 7 Machine Learning;
★新增Reading 8 Big Data Project;
★Reading 12 Economics of Regulation中,关于评估行业监管的影响的考纲要求描述有所修改:
√i.describe the considerations when evaluating the effects of regulation on an industry.
四、公司金融(Corporate finance)
★删除Reading 23 Corporate Performance,Governance,and Business Ethics;
★删除Reading 24 Corporate Governance;
★新增Reading 22 Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations in Investment Analysis
★删除Reading 41Derivatives Strategies
六、投资组合管理(Portfolio Management)
√Reading 46 The Portfolio Management Process and The Investment Policy Statement
√Reading 51 Algorithmic Trading and High-Frequency Trading
√Reading 43 Exchange-Traded Funds:Mechanics and Applications;
√Reading 48 Trading Costs and Electronic Markets,新考纲要求来源于:
1.2019年CFA三级科目Trading and rebalancing相关章节;
2.2019年CFA二级投资组合管理(Portfolio Management)Reading 51 Algorithmic Trading and High-Frequency Trading.